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»The End of Euphoria? Protest movements from Tahrir to Occupy Wall Street three years on«, Diskussion mit Craig Calhoun und Hazem Kandil am 29. Mai 2014 in Berlin

The End of Euphoria? Protest movements from Tahrir to Occupy Wall Street three years on
Three years ago, several protest movements captivated the attention of social scientists and the media alike. Observers were quick in connecting the uprisings in several Middle Eastern countries, while also pointing to a seemingly global surge of protest movements reflected in the Occupy movement and the sit-in in Madrid’s Puerta del Sol Square. Today, the euphoria for these protests has cooled down considerably. Under the impression of recent events, commentators have taken a more critical stance towards the durability of the protests or lost interest in the transformative processes that seemed so inevitable three years ago. How can we make sense of these fluctuations in academic and media interest? Did the transnational imaginaries of protest movements become frustrated once confronted with local realities?
The End of Euphoria Flyer Web
Craig Calhoun, Director of the London School of Economics
Author of Neither Gods nor Emperors: Students and the Struggle for Democracy in China
Hazem Kandil, Lecturer in Political Sociology, Cambridge University
Author of Soldiers, Spies, and Statesmen: Egypt’s Road to Revolt
Date and Location
May 29th, 5pm Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences
Luisenstr. 56, 10117 Berlin
Foto: Programmflyer, BGSS, HU-Berlin


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Team (20. Mai 2014). »The End of Euphoria? Protest movements from Tahrir to Occupy Wall Street three years on«, Diskussion mit Craig Calhoun und Hazem Kandil am 29. Mai 2014 in Berlin. Gewalträume | Violences et espaces. Abgerufen am 11. Februar 2025 von

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