Prof. Randall Collins (University of Pennsylvania) will be holding a masterclass on the “Microsociology of Violence” in the week of June 16-20, 2014. The course will take place at the Graduate School of North American Studies from 2-4pm. and is open to all MA and PhD students working in a field related to the topic of the master class. In order to attend, please send a short letter of motivation and a CV to The deadline for applications is Wednesday, 4 June 2014 at noon (GMT+1). Further questions can be addressed to Anne Nassauer:
Photo: From the cover of Violence. A Micro-Sociological Theory by Randall Collins, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008
OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren: Teresa Koloma Beck (3. Juni 2014). CfA »Microsociology of Violence«, Masterclass with Randall Collins at FU Berlin, 16-20 June 2014. Gewalträume | Violences et espaces. Abgerufen am 11. September 2024 von
"Urbane Gewalträume | Violences et espaces" ist eine Nachwuchsgruppe im deutsch-französischen Forschungsverbund "Europa als Herausforderung | Saisir l'Europe". Sie wird von Ariane Jossin (IRICE, Paris) und Teresa Koloma Beck (Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin) geleitet.